Class Title: Beading/Jewelry Making – Peyote Stitch Basics (Beginner)
Date: September 22, 2010
Date: September 22, 2010
Time: 6:00-8:15PM (try to arrive 15 minutes early)
Cost: $20 + supplies
Location: A.C. Moore, Rockaway
Store Phone: (973) 442-1265
Instructor: Julie Ryan
Instructor’s Email: JewelrybyJules@gmail.comPeyote stitch is probably the most popular beading stitch - but not always the easiest to learn! This class will cover basic even count peyote stitch. Students will make a small piece during class that can be turned into a ring, tube bead, pendant or the start of a bracelet. Project WILL NOT be completed in class. THIS IS A STITCH CLASS USING NEEDLE AND THREAD.
Supply List:
• several colors of delica, seed or cube beads (depending on project)
• assorted other beads for accents and edging (Intermediate students)• beading thread (ex. Fireline or Wildfire (recommended), Nymo or Dandyline)
• beading needles (at least 2)
• thread conditioner (recommended by not necessary)
• beading needles
• stringing material (ex. Beadalon) - optional
• findings (ear wires, head pins, clasp, crimps) - optional
• scissors
• bead board and/or bead mat (recommended but not necessary)
It took me a while to learn it but thanks to a WONDERFUL tip I learned from one of my beading idols, Leslie Rogalski, Peyote Stitch is my FAVORITE stitch! I'll pass along her tip and maybe it will become one of your favorites too!
Hope to see you soon. Happy beading!
Where did my other post go? It was very witty. I'll have to try to remember what I wrote and post again.